Nordisk Vejforum

Gennem vidensdeling og kompetenceudvikling på tværs af nordiske landegrænser arbejder vi for at fremme udviklingen af vej-, trafik og transportsektoren.


8. april, 2024

🚴‍♀️ Towards increased cycling on a city, regional and national level 🚴

Copenhagen has several times been ranked as the world’s best city for cycling, and deservedly so, as 26 % of all trips in the city is by bicycle and the…

5. april, 2024


Update: The file with the candidates is now attached to this post (08.04.24) Just before easter, the NVF Bridge Group selection committee met and selected the candidates for the Nordic…

4. april, 2024

🚧How do we procure for the future? 🚧

Road procurement in the Nordics is in the forefront internationally in taking into use new more cooperative and relational contracting models. The Via Nordica 2024 Congress includes a session dedicated…
